
Showing posts from August 29, 2024

Stuck in a Revenue Rut? Here's Why Repeating the Same Sales Strategies Isn't Working

This is Rita Mae Brown quotes, but I put Einstein picture instead. Think: Impact and gender bias. Ever wonder why your company didn’t hit its revenue target? It's like running on a treadmill—lots of effort, but you're not really getting anywhere. The truth is, if your sales efforts keep repeating the same old patterns, you're bound to hit a wall. Here’s the thing: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. Yet, many companies fall into this trap. They measure effort as if it directly equals revenue. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Why Your Efforts Aren’t Paying Off Because if your strategies aren't working, no amount of effort will change the outcome. It’s like driving a car with a broken engine and wondering why you’re not reaching your destination. Example: A tech company continuously used cold calling as their primary sales strategy. Despite doubling their call efforts, their sales numbers stagnated. They realized tha